Monday, September 29, 2008

October Clean-Up Session

The next cleanup session for the McCarren Park Dog Run will be held Saturday, October 4 at 9:30 am. Please come on out and help maintain the run. We need all the help we can get. Thanks.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Report from State of the Dog Run & Lentol Meetings

A big thank everyone who attended Wednesday's "State of the Dog Run" meeting. It was a very good meeting. Here are a few of the highlights:

* Assemblymember Lentol allocated close to $5k for the improvement of the McCarren Dog Run. He also allocated the same amount for Mcgolrick Dog Run. Betsy (Finn) and I attended the meeting on Friday. Report after this report.

* New leadership for the Dog Run/Expanding the Committee
Monthly Clean-Up Team: Alan (Ferctus) and Jeremy (Rebel) Does someone have his email? If yes, please send it to And a big thanks to Chris (Lucy) for organizing and working all the clean ups for more than a year!
Large Dog-Run Manager: Carol (Asta)
Small Dog-Run Managers/Committee: Sharon (Hooser & Wishbone), Beverly (Maddie & Pokey), Emily (Charlie), Nathan (Penelope), Monique (Diesel) and Christine (VALENCIA) BIG NEWS: Will develop clear rules on the use of the small run and better signage explain them. If you would like to be part of this group, please reply to this email and say you want to be connected with the small dog people.
Fundraising/Calendar???? Angela (Henry) We have $85 in the Dog Run fund. If anyone is interested doing more fundraising or a calendar or in this type of effort, please reply to this email and say you want to help with this.
New Dog Run Czar or Czar in Waiting Jeremy (Rebel).
Christine (VALENCIA) will still be around and will continue to represent the dog run with with the Open Space Alliance ( (Want to know what is happening with the parks in North Brooklyn, sign up for their email) , United Friends of McCarren Park and Assemblyman Lentol's Office
Email Moderator Rebecca (Friend of Furry Creatures) Thank you Rebecca for continue to keep the McCarren Dog Run connected!

* Big issues/concerns mentioned in the meeting were: dust, need for new benches, safety in the small run, better lighting, replacing the snow fencing in large run and UPDATED RULES FOR BOTH RUNS.

Report on the meeting with Lentol & Brooklyn Parks Commissioner: Another very good meeting. The funds allocated to our run will be spent to improve the lighting in the run (like using high watt bulbs or cleaning the glass in the current lamp posts), replacing the the snow fencing and, if there is money, benches. The Assemblymember acknowledged all the hard work we have put into our run! Some time in the next few months please expect these improvements to be implemented.

I express our interest in having water in our little triangle of the park.

Both the Assemblymember and Commissioner recommended that the dog run along with the green garden people and compost group as well as Mcgolrick Dog Run and maybe the Cooper Dog Run go to our City Council Members (Yassky & Reyna) and the Borough President because they could allocate those type of funds. If this is something we would like to do, we should try to meet with our electeds in the next 6 months so they can include it in the next budget. Please contact me if you want to be part of this and I will provide contact information for the other community groups.

And OSA has been talking the State Parks People about allowing dogs into the State Park located on Kent & North 7. The Assemblymember said he would also speak to State Parks People about it. Keep your fingers crossed that some day our dogs will be allowed there.

If you are not part of the McCarren Dog Run Google Group, email

Monday, September 15, 2008

State of the Dog Run Meeting - September 24, 7 pm

You are invited to the upcoming State of the Dog Run Meeting on Wednesday, September 24, at 7 pm out side the dog run (at the Urban Rustic picnic tables).

This is an important meeting, we have some very exciting developments we would like to share with the Dog Run Community and we have several openings including small run manager, large run manager, cleanup managers and community organizers on the Dog Run Committee.

As you may know the McCarren Dog Run Association is a volunteer committee that is responsible for the upkeep of both the small and large dog run in McCarren Park. We are required by the Parks Department to maintain an active volunteer base to continue to have the both runs.

Who should attend the meeting? Anyone who uses the run more than once a week.

Why should you attend? Well, besides the exciting news...which is very good. It is important to be active in the community to ensure your dog(s) have a safe place to play or sit.

When again? Wednesday, September 24, 7 pm, out side the dog run (at the Urban Rustic picnic tables)

Please spread the word to all users of the Dog Run.


McCarren Dog Run Committee - Chris (Lucy), Christine (VALENCIA) & Rebecca

Friday, August 22, 2008

September Clean-Up

If you've ever wondered, "gee, what can I do to make the McCarren Dog Run a better place?" your time is Saturday, Sept. 6 from 9:30 am until noon. Come help spread the love of the McCarren Park Dog Run (and woodchips) at the next cleanup.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

August 2008 Clean-Up

The August 2008 Cleanup for McCarren Park Dog Run will take place Saturday, August 9 from 9:30 am-noon. Please come and chip in.... get it, "chip" in...get it? .... Just come and help!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

June Clean-Up

The June 2008 Cleanup for McCarren Park Dog Run will take place Saturday, June 7 from 9:30 am-noon. Please come and chip in.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

WANTED: Large Dog Crate

An odd tradition has started on Sunday mornings at McCarren Dog Run in Brooklyn. Strangers believe it is the perfect time to ditch their well behaved loving dogs. We think they hope that the users of the Dog Run will foster these dogs as well as do the hard work of finding forever homes for them.

While we are trying to stop this tradition, the winner of this week's foster a ditched dog contest is Adam. He took in a sweet Pit Mix and is in need of a Crate for a 40 lb Dog. If you have a crate that your dog isn't using and want to put it to good use, please contact Adam at


Thursday, May 01, 2008

May 2008 Dog Run Cleanup

The May 2008 cleanup for McCarren Park Dog Run is scheduled for Saturday, May 3 from 9:30 am to noon. Please come and help.