Saturday, April 17, 2010

DOG RUN mtg. w/ Parks Dep.-IMPORTANT‏

Tuesday, April 20
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
(261 Driggs Avenue @ Eckford, Greenpoint)

The community will be asked to vote on its park priorities. The McCarren Dog Run Drainage Project as well as a Water Source will be listed on the ballot. The winning projects will be considered for funding. It is vital that dog owners show up at this meeting.

You will also be able to suggest other ideas (like better bathrooms or an off-leash park for dogs in North Brooklyn) or anything else having to do with the city parks in North Brooklyn.

Don't worry if you can't be there at 6:30 ... Come when you can ... And vote.

If you are not on our email list, send an email to

Saturday, April 03, 2010

New Signs on the Gates

Hopefully this will help to educate the new dog owners, new neighbors and everyone else. Feel free to refer to these rules when are chatting up others. We are the only ones who can keep the run safe for all dogs.