Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dogs of the Run 2007 Calendars are here!

Dogs of the Run 2007 Calendars are here!

Proceeds from the sales go directly to the McCarren Dog Run.

Purchase them for yourself, the dog lovers in your life as well as for anyone who will be in need of a calendar in 2007.

Calendars are $12 each when purchased online through our Website and our PayPal Contribute now button. Calendars purchased online will be mailed to the address you provide. And if you would like to guarantee delivery by Christmas, be sure to place your order no later than December 15.

OR PURCHASE THEM IN PERSON FOR ONLY $10 .On Saturday, December 9, from 12 - 4 at the Dog Run. (More dates and times to come)Or from Melissa (Brody), Serena (Jackson) or Christine (VALENCIA) who are carrying them around when they are at the run.Or stop by these local dog stores - PS 9 or Must Luv Dogs. And stay tune for a special event at PS 9 on Sunday, December 10.

Support the run and know what day it is in 2007 by purchasing Dogs of the Run 2007 Calendars.

If you have any questions or are interested in being part of the Dog Run sales team, please contact Christine (VALENCIA) christine_murray@earthlink.net for more information.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Big Fun for the Little Guys

Small Dog Play Group

(30 lbs and under)

every Saturday 10am - 12pm

& every Sunday 12pm - 2pm
In the Small Dog Run

note: if it rains, Eva's Play Pups is a great alternative. They will do a regular small dog group every saturday from 12:15pm - 1:15pm rain or shine, excluding holiday weekends. Make sure to have your vacination records on file to be admitted. www.evasplaypups.com

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Calendar Info

McCarren Dog Run Association has embarked on creating a fundraising calendar for 2007 featuring portraits of Dogs of the Run.

All the services for the calendar have been donated except the cost of printing the calendar. To cover that expense, we are selling ads to local businesses and individuals who are interested in reaching 1,000 dog lovers. If you are interested, the ads are very reasonably priced at $75and $150. Please write to info@mcdogrun.org for details. The ad deadline is October 24.

Calendars will be on sale mid-November at the run and other local stores like PS 9.

Calendars are priced at $12 each. You are welcome to pre-pay for your calendar by clicking the pay pal button on the upper right hand corner of this page and sending a payment of $15 to cover the cost of the calendar and shipping cost. Yes, we will send you your calendar.

Please consider purchasing an ad or calendars for yourself and all your friends.

If you have any questions or are interested in being part of the Dog Run sales tea , please contact Christine (VALENCIA) christine_murray@earthlink.net for more information and sorry we have all the photos of dogs we need for the calendar.

McCarren Dog Run Assocation
Christine Murray
646 522 2022

Monday, August 07, 2006

Small Dog Run Secured for Small Dogs

We are happy to announce that the Small Dog Run is now Safe for small dogs. There are no steadfast rules but it is intended that the small dog run be used by small dogs (30lbs and under) especially during organized playgroups. Many owners with agressive dogs or dogs in heat prefer to use the small run by themselves. They are encouraged to do this during non-busy times.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Dog Run Etiquette

In order that everyone enjoys their time in the dog run we ask that you respect the rules of the run and be considerate of your fellow dog guardians.

You are responsible for your dog's safety, behavior and for any damage or injuries caused by your dog while at this run. Help us keep the dog run safe and clean.

To learn about the McCarren Dog Run Association, volunteer or report injuries contact:

info@mcdogrun or www.mcdogrun.org

We thank Sharon Mear, Trainer and Behaviorist, of Training Cats and Dogs, for consulting and contributing for this poster. To learn more contact: www.trainingcatsandogs.com.

To learn more about dog parks go to the New York Council of Dog Owner Groups: www.NYCDOG.org.

Copyright 2006, Lynn Pacifico, President Dog Owners Action Committee.

*Small Dog Run vs. Large Dog Run: The small run is now safe and secure for small dogs. There are no steadfast rules regarding the small run but it is intended that it be used by small dogs (30 lbs and under), especially during organized play groups. Many owners with aggressive dogs or dog in heat like to use the small run by themselves. It is suggested that they do this during slow times.

*Open and Close One Safety Gate at a Time when entering the run. Dogs love to meet and greet newcomers. Please pay special attention when entering and exiting so no dog has a chance to run out.

*Unleash your dog within the safety gates before releasing your dog into the dog run. A leashed dog can excite problem dogs into aggression. Dogs can also be more aggressive when leashed due to the loss of control over their environment. They may feel frustrated, anxious and or threatened and since they can’t do what they instinctually do (flee or fight) to protect themselves and/or their owners they do what they can, they bark and lunge. It is safer to leash your dog up within the safety gates and not in the dog run itself.

*Stay conscious of the environment. Using headphones in the dog run is not a good idea. Talking on your cell phone is not a good idea either.

*Keep an eye on your dog. Always keep your dog in view and under control. Be especially aware of your dog when children are near.

*No aggressive dogs. At the first sign of aggression please remove your dog from the dog run. Our dog run is open to all (non-membership) we and our dogs could be vulnerable to dogs that don’t know their physical boundaries. The dog that knows good physical boundaries can play without shoving the other dog. There is a difference between rough play and fighting. Dogs at play often mouth, jump on and/or nip each other. It can look like fighting, but no blood is drawn and the biting is inhibited as it doesn't break the skin. A dog in play will play without accentuated or obsessive physical contact. If your dog begins to get aroused divert his/her attention before it escalates and if necessary leave the dog run.

*Know the signs of aggression. Although difficult to define on certain breeds, the conflicted or overly confident dogs’ ears are usually up and/or forward. They face and stare directly at the other dog or human with whom they are interacting. Eye contact is sustained hard and direct. Their brow is furrowed. The tail carriage is likely to be high up and arched over the rump. The (hackles) fur along their back stands up like a ridge and the chest and stance is forward. Dogs with shorter tails might be straight and wagging stiffly.

*If a fight breaks out, all involved dog owners should immediately help break it up. **First and foremost – Please try and remain calm and never put a body part between the fighting dogs.

- For the experienced guardian only- take your dog by its hindquarters – just below the rump – and raise them up like you are holding a wheelbarrow and start backing up slowly as you pull the dog with you. Be very careful as you pull because if one dog has another by a body part and decides to hold on you risk tearing the skin.

- Once the dogs have separated themselves take yours away.

- If you suspect damage has been done to you or your dog exchange vital information with all involved parties as you leave to get vet care.

*If your dog consistently harasses other dogs or people by intimidating, mounting, or annoying another dog, correct that behavior immediately. If it continues please take your dog out of the dog run at least for a short time out.

*Closely supervise intact males (non-neutered). If your intact male is involved in any altercation, regardless of which dog started it, please leave. (Intact males commonly provoke aggression.)

*No dogs in heat in the dog run. Since most females go into heat only 2x a year and are considered to be “in heat” for 21 days (7 days going in, 7 days in heat and 7 days going out, it is advisable not to bring them to a dog run during this time. Male dogs can sense females in heat through pheromones. These are airborne chemical attractants that are liberated from the female when she is cycling. They travel through the air for great distances.

*Teach your dog to be quiet. Some barking is fine, expected and normal. However incessant barking can be annoying to those around you. Try and find creative ways to discourage barking by changing your dogs focus towards something more fun, like a game of chase and interaction with you.


*No food in the dog run. This means human food and dog food and treats.

*No prong, spiked collars or choke chains in the dog run. The ring ends can get caught on other objects as well as other dogs’ collars. Leave on your dog's regular collar with ID and license while in the run.

*Do not bring rawhides or toys to the dog run. Many dogs are so crazy for rawhides and toys that they will fight over them. (This does not apply to special events.)

*The small blue balls for playing handball are dangerous for medium and large dogs as they can easily get lodged in their throat. If you bring a handball or any small ball to the dog run and a larger dog is interested in playing, please refrain from using them and be sure to take them with you when you leave.

*Do not bring dogs that are ill or sick into the dog run.

*Shared water bowls can cause dogs to get sick if one of the dogs drinking from the bowl is sick. Refresh the water bowl as often as possible or bring your own water bowl.

*Put dog hair in a trash can if you groom your dog in the dog run.

*No glass containers in the dog run.

*Pick up after your dog & kindly alert others if they miss a pick up.

*Please throw away all trash, even empty water bottles. Thanks so much for not littering & keeping our dog run clean! Empty water bottles are not good chew toys for dogs. If you have time, please feel free to pick up any garbage you see on the ground. Set an example! It is up to us to keep our dog run clean.

*Bring your children into the dog run at their/your own risk. ABSOLUTELY NO INFANTS OR TODDLERS.

We recommend that children under 8 years of age not be permitted in the dog park but if you choose to please, for their safety, keep children under your supervision and within arms reach at all times.


Dangling feet are stimulating to dogs. They may jump up as if playing with a toy.


1. Do not run or scream in the dog run. (Running and screaming are invitations for dogs to chase.)

2. Do not touch or take a dog's ball without speaking to the owner first.

3. Ask an adult before petting an unfamiliar dog. All dogs are potential biters no matter what size. Just because a dog is small does not mean it is safe and can’t do damage. Wait for the dog to approach you instead of offering your hand.

4. Do not touch dogs while they are resting or sleeping, especially if they are under a bench.

5. Do not hug or kiss dogs that are not your own, however friendly they may seem.

6. Avoid rough play with dogs or other children while in the dog run.

7. If a dog growls at you, avoid eye contact by looking immediately away. Do not run away. Instead, back slowly away, continuing to avoid eye contact. If you have something in your pocket like a ball toss it to distract the dog as you continue to back away.

These rules and guidelines are meant to educate people who use the dog run in order to make it a safer, cleaner space for the dogs of McCarren Park.

The McCarren Dog Run Association maintains this run. We are all volunteers. If you would like to find out more about what we do, please visit: www.mcdogrun.org

We are raising money to make basic repairs to the run and also replace fencing. There is a pay pal button on the website where you can make a tax deductible donation. If you prefer to write a check, please make it payable to “NYC Dog c/o McCarren Dog Run” and mail it to: Ketchum c/o MCDOG RUN 106 Milton St., Apt. 1 Brooklyn, NY 11222.

We hold regular clean ups on the first Sunday of every month from 9:30am – 1:00 pm. Please come help us out! All are welcome!

Thank you.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Budget Meeting Minutes 6/04/06

Meeting Minutes
McCarren Dog Run Association
Sunday, June 4th, 2006, 6:00pm
PS9 Pet Supplies

Christine (Valencia), Lauren (Brody), Mina (Nigel), Hilary (Eliott)

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how best to budget the $1,000 we raised on May 13th.

We all agreed that the first priority was to secure the smaller dog run and make it a safe space for small dogs. This will not only prevent injury for the small dogs but also leave more room in the large run for the big dogs to play. It will solve over crowding problems during peak hours. The Parks Department is behind this decision and NYC Dog is a huge proponent for creating separate spaces for small dogs.

We discussed the possible conflict between small dog owners and the dog owners who currently use the run. The smaller run is currently used by large dogs, aggressive dogs or dogs in heat. We don’t want to shut these dogs and owners out of the run. These dogs need a place to go too. However, in a busy city, it is not realistic to offer a run that is used just for one dog during peak times, especially when the larger run is over crowded and small dogs are being injured.

Solution: establish small dog hours for the smaller run so that the space can be shared

Proposed Small Dog Run Hours:
Monday –Friday 4:00PM – Sunset
Saturday & Sunday – 10:00 AM – Sunset

We will create a sign (pre-approved by Parks Dept.) on the gate specifying the hours.
Something like this:

McCarren Park
Small Dog Run

30 lbs and under only during the following hours:
Weekdays: 4pm-Sunset
Weekends: 10am – Sunset

We discussed the materials we will need to buy in order to secure the small run:

Wire fencing to go around the entire inside of the Wraght Iron fence. We may be able to get a certain amount of this free from the city. Hilary is waiting to hear from Jose on how much we can get. She also inquired as to where the city gets this material from and if we might be able to purchase the remainder of it from the same source.

Wire fencing and snow fencing to build the Double Doors at the entrance of the run. We should be able to get both

A Gate for the double doors.

Poles & Cement to secure the gate.

A New sign to go on the gate of the small run specifying hours.

Dog Bowls for small run (plus lock & chain - cemented like in large run).

Bench for small run

Once the above items are purchased, if there is any money left over, we should buy the “rat wire” to replace the flimsy green mesh the is surrounding the large run. After that, we should put any extra money towards a new, permanent Message Board that has plexi-glass and a lock and is water proof. We probably won’t have any money left over for the message board but we will continue to fund-raise for these items.

We discussed a new fund raiser idea based on something “Fido” in Prospect Park does. It’s called a “Coffee Clatch” and we would basically just set up a table with a sign outside the run. We will pass out the new “McCarren Dog Run Etiquette” Document, answer questions, get people to sign up for our Google group list serve and talk to people about what we do with the Association and ask for donations. Fido has had great success with this program and they do it once a month. It helps raise awareness and money and takes very little energy to pull off! Our first Coffee Clatch will be the last Sunday in June – June 25th.

We discussed goal dates for building the small dog run:
Sunday July 9th (along with the regular clean up) – put up inside fencing.
Sunday, July 16th – Put up Double Doors
Sunday, August 6th (along with regular clean up) we will get new chips and do any maintenance needed. That evening we will have a small dog run opening celebration! Fun.

Christine (Valencia) and Hilary (Eliott) are going to talk to some hardware stores and make a trip to Lowes to get exact pricing on all materials.

Lauren (Brody), Mina (Nigel) & Echo (Stuey) are going to work together to create a personalized document based on the “Dog Run Etiquette” Document recently published by NYC Dog. This document should be completed in time to make copies for the Coffee Clatch on June 25th.

The meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Fundraiser Succes!

A very special thanks to Joan at PS9 Pet Supplies for hosting our first fundraiser last Saturday. Also a big thanks to all who helped plan the event, those who attended the event and especially those who donated money to the event by purchasing raffle tickets and beer. I'm pleased to announce that we raised $1,000 at the event! We have contacted all winners who were not present at the raffle by telephone. Please come to PS9 during business hours to pick up your prize.

We are planning a meeting to discuss our budget and plans on how to spend the money. Stay tuned for more information.

Friday, February 17, 2006

New Benches / New Message Board

A big thanks to Justin (Lucy) at "Build it Green" for donating the two, new and improved benches in the run. Check out www.bignyc.org to find out more about Justin's really cool organization. Also a really big thanks to Shane (Madison) for donating his time and his truck to go pick up the benches and bring them to the run. Shane is a great photographer as you can see from this great photo he took of his girl Madison shown above mid-sneeze. Check out his other photography at:
you can reach shane re: his photography at: canyonphotography@hotmail.com

In other news, Hilary (Eliott) was able to get a message board that someone was throwing out at her work. It's quite large. She is in the process of painting it to match Park Specifications and arranging for Jose and the Parks Dept. to mount it to the fence. This will make it easier for us to communicate with eachother. Please check the message board when you visit the run for updates and feel free to post something for the group. The only rule is that it must be dog related. Anything that doesn't have to do with the dogs will be removed.


Monday, January 16, 2006

Meeting Minutes 1/15/06

McCarren Dog Run Association Meeting

  • We had a great first meeting attended by approximately 20 dog owners/patrons of McCarren Dog Run.
  • Kerry Lowe who is our official representative from “Partnership for Parks” was present. She was an excellent resource throughout the meeting and let us know that we should contact her with any questions, concerns and needs for guidance (kerry.lowe@parks.nyc.gov / 718-965-8907). She has a lot of experience working with Park Volunteer Groups and Dog Run Volunteer Groups.
  • Linda Post from “NYC Dog” (pronounced “Nice” Dog) was present. She was extremely helpful in offering us advice and guidance. She was a part of the “Cooper Park” Dog Run which was recently built. She helped give us pointers on how they put certain things into place. NYC Dog is an umbrella organization for all of the Dog Runs in the City. They can offer us support and resources and act as a fiscal sponsor until we can gain 501c3 (non-profit) status (if we choose to do so).
  • We started out with a discussion re: why we felt the need for a meeting in the fist place. There used to be an Association, several years ago, which for one reason or another fizzled out. “Tommy” the self appointed Dog Run Foreman was there in the interim to maintain the run. He unfortunately had to move back to Poland. Now there is nobody maintaining the run and it is in desperate need of maintenance and repair!
  • Every Dog Run in the city has an association except for us. There are certain things the Parks Department will provide for us free of charge (Tools, Wood Chips, Snow Fence & Garbage Bags). Everything else is up to us (Labor, repairs, benches, message board, permanent fencing, etc.). Although it would be nice if the Parks Department would maintain the run for us, it’s simply not going to happen. It is the same for every dog run in the city. They will give us only certain basic things but we are expected to create and association to maintain the run. Our park contacts (Tony Rosa & Jose Urena) are extremely kind and helpful and they are very enthusiastic about working with us to create a clean safe space for our dogs.
  • The good news is that because there are many other Dog Run Associations to go before us, there is no need for us to “reinvent the wheel”. We can use other Associations as an example of what works well and what doesn’t work well. We can also tailor approaches to fit our specific needs.
  • Our Name: We decided there was no need to come up with anything too clever. We’ll just call ourselves “McCarren Dog Run Association” and for short: “MC Dog Run”.
  • Our Mission: To provide a clean, safe space for the dogs of McCarren Park.
  • Officers/Committees: We decided to create committees instead of traditional officers. This will help distribute responsibilities more evenly. We decided to break into three committees initially. If we need to make adjustments or changes as we go along, we can do that. The committees will be:

Ø Maintenance (regular cleanups & small repairs)

Ø Development (donations, grant writing, fundraising)

Ø Projects (message board, benches, small dog run, etc.)

A further explanation of committees will follow. Each committee will have a “point person”.

  • Regular Maintenance: Kim (Winston) Is the Point Person for the Maintenance Committee. Other members of the Maintenance Committee are: Ashley (Latta), Chad (Machiavelli & Tenzin), Rebecca & Bob (star dog walkers).

The Maintenance Committee is in charge of putting up signs and encouraging people to attend maintenance work parties word of mouth (everyone can help do this). They will also be in contact with Jose Urena of the Parks Dept. to make sure the he comes with the tools and materials we need and make sure that all of the tools he gives us get returned to him intact. They will help to decided what special projects we will work on at each work party besides just general maintenance (i.e.: spreading wood chips, raking leaves and picking up trash and poop).

We decided it would be easiest to start with once a month during the Winter on the first Sunday of every month from 10 am to approx 1pm.

This makes the first work party Sunday, February 5th - 10am.

The first The first big project to take care of at our maintenance meeting will be leveling the run. There is currently a hole in the middle and all of the chips are built up on the sides. We need to rake all of the chips down from the sides into the center to make a level area before we can add new chips.

We need to create a “driveway” at the back fence so that the snow fence can go flush against the concrete and not need to be held up by that log. Also, so that the city can drive their truck up into the park to dump chips.

We have communicated to the park that we do not want pine chips from the Christmas trees because the dogs eat the pine and get sick. They will not dump pine anymore.

  • Development Committee: The Point Person for the Development Committee is Hilary (Eliott). Other Development Committee Members are Loretta (Wormer), Chad (Machiavelli & Tenzin), Elizabeth & Chris (Grady), Christine (Valencia).

The Development Committee will be in charge of paperwork and raising money for the run. There is a grant offered by the Parks Department for up to $5,000. The Deadline for this grant is February 1st. We need to make this application our first priority. We can use “NYC Dog” as our fiscal sponsor for non-profit status. We will need to discuss and decide if we want to eventually become non-profit ourselves. A longer term goal will be to budget out specific items that we want for the park like permanent fencing and deciding how best to raise funds for these larger goals. If we do get a grant we will need to work with the “Projects” committee to decide how to spend the money based on which project is a priority.

  • Projects Committee: The Point person for the Projects committee is Briana (Banjo & Jasmine). Other Projects Committee Members are: John (Spike), Chad (Machiavelli & Tenzin), Elizabeth & Chris (Grady), Kat (Kayla).

The Projects Committee will be in charge of creating a list of things we need to do and get beyond regular maintenance, i.e.: message board, benches, doggie bag dispensers, “rat wire” along fences to keep small dogs in, loading area for small dog park, permanent fencing, etc.

They will need to determine which project is most important and how best to go about getting it done. Can we get it donated? Will we have to raise money for it? If so, how much will it cost and how should we go about raising the money (ask for donations, grant $, hold a fundraiser, etc.). The Projects committee will work closely with the Development Committee in making decisions on how to get money and what to spend it on.

  • Safety Concerns: The issue of safety came up a few times. It is very important to everyone to make our Dog Run as safe as possible but we don’t want to police it so stringently that no one is having fun anymore. We want to find a balance.

Small Dogs/Large Dogs: One basic way to make the Dog Run safer is to make a separate area for small and large dogs. We need to put “rat wire” up along all of the fences to keep small dogs and woodchips in. We also need to create a “loading dock” for the small dog run so that dogs can’t scoot in and out as easily.

There was a concern that right now the small run is used by dogs who are in heat or are not playing well with the other dogs in the larger run. This is helpful to owners who’s dogs are having a rough day and still need to get energy out and run off leash. No ultimate conclusion was made but Kerry from the parks dept. did mention that the general consensus from the other dog runs in the city is that the small dog run is for small dogs. If a dog is having an aggressive day, then it has to miss out on coming to the dog run. We discussed creating a schedule for the small run so that it can be shared. We also discussed the possibility of just using our discretion on a case by case basis, sharing the small dog run but giving small dogs first refusal, i.e.: if the small dog run is not being used by a small dog or dogs, then a larger dog could use it but if a small dog or dogs come and want to use it, then that dog would have to leave.

Aggressive Dogs/Irresponsible Owners: There were many concerns about dogs who are in heat or dogs that are aggressive and who start fights coming into the dog run. The problem is that the Dog Run is a public space and no one has the absolute authority to throw anyone out. The safest thing to do is just take your dog out when you see an aggressive dog coming in. However, there is power in numbers and because we are now an official organization, we can support each other in talking calmly to dog owners about not bringing their aggressive dog to the run.

There are rules posted outside of the Run which state very specifically that dogs who are in heat should not be in the run and that dogs who are aggressive should not be in the Run. It is possible to point these rules out to an owner with an aggressive dog. This should be handled in a very careful way and on a case by case basis. Don’t confront someone that seems like they could be dangerous. We should communicate to each other. If a certain owner or dog is dangerous, spread the word so that they feel pressure to do something about it (like leave and not come back).

Not all dogs will get along: Even responsible dog owners will have problems with their dogs getting into fights. This is something we just have to accept. The best thing we can do is pay attention to our dogs and watch them at all times. It’s very easy to get lost talking on a cell phone, talking to another dog owner, reading a paper, etc., while our dogs are getting into a potentially dangerous situation. Let’s help each other to remain aware and mindful of our dogs at all times. It doesn’t mean that we can’t talk to each other! Just stay alert.

  • Website/E-Mail:

John (Spike) has routed the blog site to www.mcdogrun.org

It’s up and running now, so check it out for updates!

We are in the process of creating a list serve through Google so that everyone will have the power to post to the group without making their personal e-mail address public. More on this to come.

Thanks to everyone for a great meeting! If you were not able to come or had to leave early, please e-mail mcdogrun@gmail.com and let us know which committee you would like to join (Maintenance, Development, Projects). We will forward your contact info onto the committee point person.

The next meeting will take place on a need-to-have it basis. In the meantime, committee point persons should organize a meeting with their individual committee’s to get the ball rolling. Hilary (Eliott) will send out an e-mail to each individual committee point person with the contact information for your committee members. Look out for that.