Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dog Run Drainage Project Completion Ceremony

French Drain Being Installed

Completed Project!

I am truly SO pleased to share with y'all ... Our dry well & french drains as approved by the Parks Department were installed last week! Everything looks like it is working well.

Let's celebrate our accomplishment with a little Ribbon Cutting Ceremony:

Saturday, October 29, at 10 am
Front of the Big Dog Run

Please join us. Dogs are welcomed!

We as a community did something pretty amazing. We as a community saw a problem, found a solution and worked through all the red tape that is the Parks Department, and working with OSA who at the time was a brand new nonprofit with a new executive director.

I am amazed at how the community supported us.

Thanks again for all your support! Look forward to celebrating what we have accomplished on Saturday, October 29th.

Deepest of appreciation,

& the demon dogs (Valencia & Ursula)

Friday, October 14, 2011


The Big Run at McCarren Dog Run will be CLOSEDstarting on Monday 10/17/11 10 am until the project is completed. Theproject is expected to be completed on no later than Friday 10/21.

Please note occasionally the work the contractor does will cause excessive dust to be flying around.

Additionally during this time, dogswill be using the Small Dog Run. Please be considerate of others. Not allsmall dogs get along with big dogs. And not all big dogs are good withsmall dogs. Talk toeach other, let people know if your dog(s) has issue ie. doesn't getalong with small fluffy dogs when one is about to enter the run. Small run can get pretty crowd so be aware of your dog and the others.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why is the Big Run Locked?

Hello Dog Community, 

I want to first apologize for any inconvenience closing the dog run
this evening and tomorrow morning has caused. Hopefully you all saw the
progress that was made with the big dig. The contractor made the decision to
lock the dog run because the dumpster company was late on delivering
our dumpster and feared all the dogs in the run would flatten the mounds. 
Since the dumpster has arrived, hopefully we will open the run
tomorrow evening for use. 

During this time, dogs will all be using the Small Dog Run.  Please be
considerate of others.   Not all small dogs get along with big dogs.   And
not all big dogs are good with small dogs.   Talk to each other, let people
know if your dog(s) has issue ie.  doesn't get along with small fluffy dogs
when one is about to enter the run.    Small run can get pretty crowd so be
aware of your dog and the others. 

Thank you for your patience as well as your generosity. 

Christine & the Demon Dogs 

PS Despite the inconvenience today, aren't glad the project has started? 

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Let the Digging Begin

Yup, you read that correctly, "Let the Digging Begin."   Thank you all for making the first phase of the Drainage Project possible.  

The contractor will begin digging out the Big Dog Run on Tuesday 10/ 11 approx. 10 am.  

During the digging the gate on the corner of Driggs & Union will be OPEN.    Did you read that, the gate will be OPEN.  I would recommend NOT using the Big Dog Run during the dig out period.    

You can still use the run during the morning before 9 am and after 5 pm on the days of the dig out.  

The contractor will be digging Tuesday 10/11 from approx.  10 am to 5 pm, Wednesday 10/12 9 am to 5 pm, Thursday 10/13 9 am to 5 pm and possibly Friday.  

This is very exciting!   Thanks!

Monday, October 03, 2011

How did we do?

I know I have said it before but y'all amaze me, you really just amaze me.   How did we do?

We met our goal of raising $1000 for the matching grant from Must Luv Dogs/Happy Dogs www.mustluvdogs.com.   We raised the $1,500 by midnight, Sunday, October 2. 

But wait it didn't stop there, you kept giving.  I got paypal notifications, I got emails, I got calls, people gave me money on the street, they left money at PS9 and Must Luv Dogs/Happy Dogs, I met people at the Dog Run in the morning and evening.  With all that generosity, I was speechless and a little teary.  

It didn't STOP with those donations, then Must Luv Dogs/Happy Dogs committed to up to a total of $2,500 to support our dog run drainage project (including their original matching gift).   This is truly amazing!  Thank you Must Luv Dogs/Happy Dogs for being a great neighbor.

We (Billy, Angela and I) are so touched how y'all responded to our plea.    It was looking pretty dark last week so your support was just overwhelming.   Thank you SO much for showing us that you want drainage in McCarren.   

We raised ALL money ...  did you hear that We raised ALL the money for the dig out portion of the project.  Not just the money for the challenge grant BUT all the money need for this phrase of the project.   We raised over $4,000 to cover the dig out.  

So what happens NEXT, the contractor digs out the dog run this is scheduled to happen next week,  check the website, signs or email for the exact day.  During this time we ask that we try not to use the run, Dogs will be able to use the run during the morning, late afternoon and evening but probably from 10 to 4 will be off limits.  

Once the RUN IS DUG OUT  which should take few days, then the  contractor will start installation of the drainage.  Please NOTE during this phase, the big dog run will be CLOSED, the gate will be LOCKED and only the contractor will have access.   This will last about 5 days.  The small dog run will be a shared area for all dogs during this time.   Once the drainage is installed, the Parks Department will be bring fresh, clean wood chips.  After those are down, McCarren Dog Run will be open for business again!   

As the dates get confirmed, I will email, post on the web and run.   Please help spread the word.   Send this email to your dog friends in North Brooklyn.  

Thank you for all your generosity to support this project.

Christine (Valencia & Ursula - pictured above)

Saturday, October 01, 2011

CHALLENGE GRANT from Must Luv Dogs/Happy Dogs

Once again, I am touched and excited to to let everyone know that I just got a call from Jennifer Cheng, the new owner of Must Luv Dogs [www.mustluvdogs.com], the dog daycare/boarding/grooming business across from McCarren Park, with a timely show of support for the dog run and local dog community.

Must Luv Dogs (which is soon going to be rebranded Happy Dogs soon) has stepped up to match every donation we get over the next 36 hours up to $1,000.   

Please give today ... Every donation matters ....  

If everyone who recieves this email, gives $25 we will exceed our goal;  or if 19 people give $50 we will meet our goal ... 

Please help us get the generous matching gift of $1,000 from Must Luv Dogs/Happy Dogs.

Make a donation at- McDogRun.org - and make a donation through the ChipIn widget or send your donation through paypal brooklynassociationfordogs@gmail.com.

We're now really close to getting this done! Please take advantage  of this matching challenge and let's rebuild the McCarren Park dog run together!

Show us you want Drainage in McCarren Dog Run. 

Thank you!  

Christine (Valencia & Ursula)  

PS   Just to show you that I am corny, these two clips have kept me going this week

Inspired, please go to McDogRun.org  & donate